
Let’s discover what is happening inside you with curiosity and compassion.

It is advantageous to notice, honor and listen to your feelings. Sometimes they might hide, even from you, because they seem so overwhelming. It can be helpful to identify the beliefs that helped create your actions and reactions. Even when we try to act as purely rational creatures, our emotions are running the show. Emotions can operate automatically so they escape our awareness. Let’s discover what is happening inside you with curiosity and compassion. With increased understanding and acknowledgement of what is important to you, change and conscious choice become more accessible.

Therapy may result in these benefits:

Experiencing greater intimacy and ease in relationships with family, friends, loved ones. Gaining understanding and appreciation of yourself in your full complexity. Developing greater awareness of yourself as an agent capable of directing your life with expanded and conscious choices

Some people hide facets of their life that cause them shame and guilt. These become burdens that can inhibit functioning on a multitude of levels. It can be advantageous to unpack secrets in a safe and confidential environment with an unbiased outsider. New eyes can offer fresh insight. The energy, no longer engaged in hiding, can find new constructive venues.